Imran Khan, a Pakistani cricket legend and former Prime Minister, was shot in the leg.

Imran Khan was shot in the leg 

Imran Khan, a Pakistani cricket legend and former Prime Minister, was shot in the leg.

Imran Khan, a Pakistani cricket legend and former prime minister, was shot at a political protest on Thursday, police said. Imran Khan, 70, was injured in the leg during the attack in the city of Wazirabad, and he was rushed to a hospital.

Khan, who was leading a protest march to the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, had been speaking to supporters when a man allegedly opened fire on him from a short distance. Khan was taken to a hospital in Lahore for treatment, but doctors said he was stable. 

Khan’s party team told the media that the incident was “100 percent an assassination attempt.”

Khan was born in the British colony of what is now Pakistan but left the country when he was a teenager to study at Keble College in England, in 1975. He returned to Pakistan and served as a member of parliament until he became the country’s prime minister from August 2018 until April 2022, the moment he was removed from office as a result of a vote of no confidence.

The shooting comes amid rising tensions between the government and the opposition. The opposition claims that the government is holding back from holding early elections, which would allow the opposition to win the next general election. The government denies this claim, saying that the opposition is trying to create instability in the country.

While Mr. Khan and his assistants were standing in a container that was erected on top of a truck, shots were fired at them. According to the local media, the man who is believed to have attacked Khan was killed by gunfire.

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